Tokyo Headlines

Michelin Guide Tokyo 2024 Cements Tokyo's Status as the World's Best Food City

12 Mar 2024 NEWS

The publishing of the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2024 has seen the edition of 1 new three-starred restaurant, 1 new 2-starred restaurant, and 16 new 1 starred restaurants. This makes for a total of 239 Michelin Stars across 183 establishments and a total of 504 delicious restaurants recommended by the guide in total.
Additionally, 1 new restaurant has been awarded the MICHELIN Green Star, recognizing an "outstanding commitment and philosophy towards a more sustainable approach to gastronomy." This gives Tokyo a total of 11 Michelin Green Star restaurants, the highest of any city in the world.

Tokyo has had the most MICHELIN-starred restaurants in the world since 2008. We are thrilled that Tokyo continues to be recognized for its outstanding variety of mouthwatering restaurants. From Japanese classics like ramen or sushi to international cuisine to innovative new approaches to gastronomy, Tokyo has something for everyone in every price range.
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