June 2022 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners, We are happy to inform you that the Japanese government c...
March 2022 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners, Tokyo is steadily recovering from the pandemic, as shown ...
December 2021 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners, As new COVID-19 cases drastically declined across the cou...
September 2021 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners, The Japanese government has announced today that the stat...
June 2021 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners,Tokyo is waiting for you! In order to accelerate the reopening of business...
February 2021 NewsletterDear planners, organizers, and business partners, In Tokyo, a state of emergency has been declared on January 8 and extended to March 7. The government has in...
December 2020 NewsletterBUSINESS EVENTS TOKYO Website Renewal The Tokyo Convention & Visitors...
October 2020 NewsletterDear planners, organizers and business partners, In Tokyo, business events are reopening by every local industry partner operating under strict guidelin...
July 2020 NewsletterDear planners, organizers and business partners, Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) is looking forward to greeting all of you again soon! Tok...
March 2020 NewsletterAbout the Current Situation in Tokyo Dear planners, organizers and business partners, Due to the COVID-19 situation, current events have had to be cancel...