Tokyo Headlines

The World Congress of Philosophy 2028 to Attract 4,000 Delegates to Tokyo


We are thrilled to announce that Tokyo has placed the winning bid for the World Congress of Philosophy 2028 (WCP 2028). The Congress, hosted by the Japan Federation of Philosophical Societies (JFPS), will be held over eight days at the University of Tokyo and is expected to attract 4,000 participants, including 3,500 from overseas, for a lively gathering.

The World Congress of Philosophy was first held in 1900 and is currently held approximately every five years in various cities around the world to advance philosophical discussion globally, promote connections between researchers, and enhance philosophical education. Tokyo's selection was decisive due to a strong bid proposal from JFPS, including a comprehensive presentation themed "The Thinkers Choice" covering topics such as the philosophy of Japan, Japan's network of philosophical research associations, and an overview of what makes international conferences in Tokyo unique.

A financial subsidy and in-kind support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) were also instrumental in securing the successful bid.

The business events team is committed to supporting WCP 2028 in its preparations and execution and is confident that Tokyo's selection will result in fruitful and meaningful discussions for all participants.

About the Japan Federation of Philosophical Societies
The Japan Federation of Philosophical Societies was formed in 2007 and comprises various societies in Japan dedicated to the study of philosophy.

About the Business Events Team at the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau
The Business Events Team at the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) serves as a one-stop shop for meeting/event planners and organizers seeking assistance in successfully bidding to host international business events in Tokyo.